Tips if the phone does get wet

Very annoying when the phone does get wet, because of the possibility of mobile phone is damaged and you have to buy a new phone.

As we know water and electronics do not match each other because of the nature of water that conduct electricity. So when the phone doused / splashed into the water, the electronic components in HP may issue a short circuit that could damage the phone.

But if the phone does get wet do not panic first, because it is likely your mobile phone can still be saved if the following 'tips if the phone does get wet' follows.

Excerpted Info Technology, Yahoo News site has been doing experiments with three mobile phones plunged into the water (Blackberry, Android, and iPhone) for 60 seconds. Then perform steps - steps to save a cell phone get wet:
1. Do not turn cell phone

When you turn the phone in wet conditions will directly cause a short circuit that damage components inside the phone.
2. Disconnect the battery, Sim Card, and Memory cards

Unplug all the phones that can be removed, and if your mobile phone splash / contact with liquids such as coffee, tea, sea water, etc. - first soak your mobile phone into the water or liquid alkhohol to prevent rust occurs on mobile components.
3. Dry the mobile

Drain all the phones with the engine air compressor or vacuum the air, but never with a hair dryer because the heat produced can damage the components inside the phone.
4. Put the phone in the rice

Yup, rice. Take one bag of rice and then put the phone, battery, memory card into the rice so the grains of water remaining in the mobile phone is absorbed into the grains of rice. Allow the phone in rice for 1-2 days.

5. Turn on the phone

After the phone is placed in the rice for 1-2 days, replace all the phones, then charge your mobile phone is off. After that try to power your mobile phone.

Yahoo News do 'tips if the phone does get wet' above the results are less convincing because only the Blackberry mobile phones that can light up again after being exposed to water, while two others (Android and iPhone) can not be lit at all.

So these tips can not guarantee 100% of the phone will power up after doused water, it all depends on the condition of mobile phones, the duration of the phone does get wet, and of course luck. :)
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