Nielsen survey results about the character of Android users are displayed in the character of the game up, BlueStacks |
Nielsen released a survey agencies characters Android users. Interestingly, the average Android users are men who have a personality of its own.
Nielsen survey data received from the poll to the 145,000 fans on Facebook users BlueStacks game. The data are taken during the week starting from December 12 until December 19, 2011. But do not be taken seriously because this data is only considered as the fun of it, but quite interesting to observe.
This is the character that Android downloaders male-dominated:
1. types of Hair
- Model regular (51 percent)
- Smacking (32 percent)
- Length (6 percent)
- Curly (5 percent)
- Bangs (3 percent)
- Mohawk (3 percent)
2. Hair color
- Black (47 percent)
- Chocolate (38 percent)
- Blonde (9 percent)
- Red (3 percent)
- Other (3 percent)
3. Head size
- Normal (78 percent)
- Large (18 percent)
4. origin
- United States (36 percent)
- Asia (28 percent)
- Europe (27 percent)
5. Glasses (37 percent)
6. Have black spots on the cheeks (30 percent)
7. Have a tablet, but no Android phone (9 percent)
8. Use Android for games (62 percent)
9. Use Android to expedite the work (38 percent)
10.Memakai clothing made from T-shirts (18 percent)
11.Memakai shirts (71 percent)
12.Senang wearing a watch (45 percent)
13.Berpacaran, engaged and married (63 percent)
14.Memakai jeans (62 percent)
15.Suka free applications (33 percent)
16.Punya more than 50 applications on his mobile (13 percent)
17.Rata average uses 582 MB of data per month
18.Memakai pants made of fabric (21 percent)
19.Memakai drill pants (6 percent)
20.Memakai sneaker type shoes (41 percent)
21.Memakai sandals (5 percent)
Android users with the character you which one?