1. Using UPS to anticipate the power supply voltage that is often spotty or even die instantly.
This is necessary because of unstable power conditions will only result in damage to computers, especially PCs.
2. Always clean your computer periodically from the dust.
In addition to pleasing the eye, clean computer will also meminalisisasi possible entry of dust into the CPU. Imagine if your computer crashed just because of dust.
3. Not accustom myself to eat and drink at the computer.
Drinking water is spilled on the keyboard can be shorted on a slab of lead in it so it is not impossible if you have to replace them with new ones.
4. CPU distanced from magnetic fields can interfere with work performance.
5. As a precaution against various evil viruses that can delete all data you have, make sure your computer has an antivirus that is always being updated.
Tips On Caring For Computer
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