Vaginal Care Tips

If all this we are more concerned with our sexual life by always discussing it and wanted to know from a variety of positions, where, accessories, tips on having sex until they reach orgasm, then do we also care about the cleanliness of our own vital area of ​​the vagina?
Below are some tips for caring for Vagina properly and avoid it from drying out:
Not consume alcoholic beverages which will result in faster dry vaginaWomen often overlook this, especially the likes clubbing and has become a lifestyle. Alcohol levels (with excessive doses) can lower testosterone so quickly dry vagina.
Changing underwear 3 times a day and you should select underwear made of soft material that easily absorb sweat like cotton, so that the vagina is not moist. This is what will cause odor.
During menstruation, frequently changing pads, especially if you already feel full, this will make the vagina if left damp and cause odor.
Before using a pantyliner and pads should first consult with your doctor, because some particular brand Vagina health hazard.
Do not clean the vagina with a material that is not clear (cleanser instead of soap for Vagina)

  •     Wash your vagina with clean water (clear water flowing), especially if you travel frequently and use public toilets, not the already recalled in the tub or bucket.
  •     Never insert foreign objects into the vagina (stem, root crops).
  •     Do not sprinkle powder vagina with whatever it is, either a fragrant aroma and anti-allergy!
  •     Never spray perfume into the vagina area!

The tips above are to prevent you from the effects of VV dry. If the vagina is dry will cause pain during intercourse arise in the absence of damping.
This usually continues with the onset of infection, vaginal discharge, and the dangers that most threaten the cervical cancer (cervix). So treat your vagina properly.
Sex Consultant: Dr. Ferryal Loetan, ASC & T, DSRM, Kes-MMR

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