10 Myths About Breast Cancer

To this day remains a scourge of breast cancer scary, especially for women. No wonder a lot of myths that are not properly developed in the community. The myth that is not accompanied by medical facts can make a negative mind and will complicate treatment.
10 Breast cancer myths like other types of cancer are difficult to detect when it was still in its early stages. In general, people feel the symptoms of breast cancer when the cancer has entered its final phase and is difficult to control.
Here are 10 myths that circulate in the community about breast cancer along with the facts.
1. Living near power lines can cause breast cancer
A study in 2003 in Long Island, New York, found no association between illness and the electromagnetic fields emitted by power lines. An earlier study conducted in the Seattle area produces similar conclusions.
2. Deodorants can cause breast cancer
This myth is pretty much developed. Starting from a study that found parabens in tumors. Parabens are also substances that are used in antiperspirant (deodorant womb).
The American Cancer Society refute this myth. There is no causal link between parabens and breast cancer in the study above, nor does teridentifiksi source of the parabens present in cancer.
3. Women with small breasts are safer than breast cancer
Indeed, large breasts can be more difficult when examined. However, no association between breast size and the risk of cancer. Regardless of breast size should still be routinely inspected.
4. Breast cancer can be prevented
Breast cancer can not be prevented. What can be done is early detection by routine examination, and reduce the bad habits that may increase the risk of cancer such as smoking, consuming alcohol.
5. Caffeine causes of breast cancer
Not found a causal relationship between drinking caffeine and breast cancer, in fact, some research suggests, caffeine can actually reduce the risk of cancer. So far this has not been established, whether breast pain may be related to caffeine.
6. Obese women have the same risk of breast cancer with women generally
Not true, because women who are obese have a greater cancer risk, especially for those who have experienced menopause or gaining weight at a later date.
7. Underwire bras cause breast cancer
There is an assumption that underwire bras compress the breasts lymphatic system, causing toxins to accumulate and cause breast cancer. This assumption has been widely disputed and declared unscientific. The experts have agreed, the type of bra, and tight clothing does not have a relationship with breast cancer.
8. Only a woman whose family had a history of breast cancer are susceptible to this disease
In fact, about 70% of women diagnosed with breast cancer, no cancer risk factors. Just need to be considered, if there is a first-degree relatives (such as: parents, children, or siblings) ever had cancer, then cancer risk 2-fold greater.
9. Women who have a high risk of cancer can not do anything more than just examination
It is not true. If someone had stated risk of cancer, then this can be done to reduce these risks is to change the pattern of life. The things you can do such as stopping smoking, reducing alcohol, lose weight, and regular checks can reduce the risk of cancer.
10. Breast implants cause cancer
Breast implants do not have a relationship with the onset of cancer. Only when a mammogram (breast x-rays), sometimes need more X-rays than women who do not do implam. This is because the layer is thicker breasts.
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