LESS sleep can be dangerous. The research into 23 young doctors at a major hospital in the U.S. shows that a quarter of the number of doctors are interviewed once fell asleep while on a call. Fourteen percent had experienced the same thing when you're driving a car and another man fell asleep while on a call. Fourteen percent had experienced the same thing when you're driving a car and a longer fall asleep while listening to patient's heartbeat. They are all the doctors who have served 24-35 hours in a row.
Difficulty sleeping was actually caused by impaired biological clock. In addition, lack of sleep that did not make up for the chance to do it. Truck drivers, including groups that bear this risk. Truck accidents between the hours of 5:00 to 6:00 a.m. likely sixteen times greater than at 12.00.
This does not include those who served are not fixed, that sometimes during the day, sometimes at night. In a nuclear-powered power plants, half the non-permanent employees who served at least once a week claiming they were asleep when you're working.
According to Charles Czeisler of the Laboratory of Neuro-endo-krinologi in Boston, Kindi was time people pay more attention to the biological clock. Especially in the enterprise, where the lack of sleep can cause major accidents. "It is unrealistic to expect that people will be able to resist sleep, if he was too tired," he said.
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Dangers Of Sleep Deprivation
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