So Happy Together Slim Diet

It was common knowledge that foods high in fat, sugar and processed foods are one of the precipitating factors of obesity. Not only that, the wrong diet will also provide psychological distress.
In a diet guidebook entitled 'Happiness Diet', author Drew Ramsey, a psychiatrist at Columbia University and Tyler Graham believes, everything you eat can affect a person's mood. In principle, the right food is the basis for good mental health.
They stated, rates of obesity and depression has doubled in the last decade. Both believe in the American standard diet (SAD) is the cause. "Your brain is formed from food, and proper food is the foundation of good mental health, 'they said as quoted by the Daily Mail.
Lose weight by simply cutting fat and calories, according to them, only ended in failure if not reinforced with food to improve mood, which triggers the feeling of happiness such as magnesium, vitamin B12 and conjugated linoleic acid. Without these ingredients in the diet, a person tends to be difficult to feel satisfied that he could not reach the target weight loss.
Conversely, a diet rich in healthy fats, like olive oil, grains, vegetables, and meat quality can provide mental health as well as streamline the waist size. The reason, the feeling of happiness to make an effort to lose weight more easily.
Today the Health, Dr. Ramsey says, "Focus to acquire a lean body by eating a diet low in fat, low calorie, failed to do most of the people," he said.
He added, "Brain eat what you eat. You can not do the best when the brain starved."
They also argue that good food is expensive. "The biggest myth is that healthy foods were expensive. You can eat healthy foods from affordable materials without damaging the budget," he said.
However, Graham warned, there is no harm in investing in healthy foods such as organic food is more expensive. In centuries past, people spend the budget in food than in modern times, because they have different priorities. "What is more important, have the luxury goods or give your brain the nutrients it needs?" said Graham. (Hp).
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