Usefulness Of Strawberries|Strawberries Inflammation Lower Risk of Stomach

A group of researchers from Italy, Serbia, and Spain revealed that eating strawberries may reduce the minimum damage to the stomach caused by poor diet.

According to Dr. Sara Tulipani of the University of Barcelona, the benefits of the fruit was related to the antioxidant content in it. Strawberries are able to activate the body's antioxidant defenses and enzymes, as reported from Genius Beauty.

Before getting these results, the researchers conducted experiments on mice for 10 days. The researchers gave 40 mg of extract of strawberries per body mass of rats. Then, mice given
of alcohol.

Then, the researchers analyzed the condition of abdomens of mice. They found that rats who ate strawberry extracts have a smaller risk of wound appearance.

From studies on mice, the researchers concluded that diets rich in strawberries have a positive effect in preventing gastric diseases associated with free radicals and other forms of active oxygen.

In addition, they said that strawberries could slow the formation of stomach ulcers caused by poor diet. Consumption of strawberries can also reduce the risk of damage to the gastric mucous membrane.

Gastritis or gastroenteritis is typically associated with alcohol consumption. However, stomach ulcers are also caused by viral infections and anti-inflammatory drugs.
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