'Galaxy Z' was released as a variant of the Samsung Galaxy S II with a display case are very similar, but with a lower specification. But the meaning here does not mean low or poor is not powerful feature, because the specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Z competing with Mobile Android is currently outstanding.
Samsung Galaxy Z
- Android OS 2.3 Gingerbread
- 4.2-inch Super Clear LCD (WVGA 800 × 480)
- 1 GHz dual core processor (Nvidia Tegra 2)
- 8 GB of onboard storage, microSD upto 32GB external
- 5 megapixel camera (LED flash), 4x zoom and HD video recording
- Wifi, GPS, FM Radio
- Time 540 minutes Talktime, 620 hours standby
Price Samsung Galaxy Z is approximately U.S. $ 630 or 5.4 million dollars, the price which I think is still very expensive for mobile phones that is claimed as a cheap version of the Samsung Galaxy S II.